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The Best Productivity Podcasts

Charles Ekpenyong

07 January 2019

In business, as in many areas of life, we have two options. Grow, or grow old. Luckily, in today’s world there are a host of different ways to learn new things and improve oneself - including productivity podcasts. If you didn’t already know what podcasts are, they’re usually audio recordings talking on a regular basis about particular topics. Podcasts have been around for 15 years, but now you can listen to them via Spotify, iTunes and more - they’re the perfect way to absorb information and achieve your New Year’s Resolutions.

At OneCoWork we’re all about productivity - with our spaces designed to help you maximize yours, workshops to help you improve and more. We’ve now collated for you 7 of the best and most popular productivity podcasts out there and even included links for you to go listen! Listen to these on your way to work, whilst on the treadmill or when taking your lunch, for regular tips from the experts on boosting your productivity.

1) The Tim Ferriss Show

Often ranked the number 1 podcast on iTunes and having hosted guests including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Amanda Palmer, Jamie Foxx, and Doris Kearns, the Tim Ferriss show was the obvious first choice for any list of the best productivity podcasts. Tim Ferriss is a “self-experimenter”, speaks 10 languages and is also the author of a number of best-selling books, including The 4 Hour Work Week. His podcasts range from 1 hour to 3 and are perfect to inspire you to achieve more in the new year. 

Listen on: Spotify | iTunes  | Google Play | Amazon

2) The Accidental Creative 

The Accidental Creative with Todd Henry is for anyone whose job involves creating - whether you’re in technology or copywriting, if you find yourself burning out under the non-stop emails and soul-destroying meetings; if you’re producing a stream of mediocre results, playing it safe instead of fulfilling your potential and if you have creative sparks that could be grown into incredible fires, listening to Todd’s podcast will provide a refreshing dose of “You Can Do It” to help bring you back on track. Stop coasting and start achieving - bring back that love you had for what you do.

Listen on: Spotify | iTunes | Google Play

3) Extreme Productivity

Kevin Kruse has advised Fortune 500 CEOs, Generals, Congressmen and more. This New York Times Bestselling Author started his first business age 22, failing in a year with crippling debt. He then went on to start up numerous successful businesses, winning many awards along the way. He says it’s all down to productivity - find out exactly how he turned things around in this podcast. He also provides a number of really useful, free downloads on his website.

Learn more about how office spaces can boost your productivityBook a Tour at OneCoWork and prepare to be amazed! 

4) Beyond the To Do List

Hosted by Erik Fisher, Beyond the To Do List is an award-winning podcast with a variety of guests sharing their secrets to productivity and an effective work-life balance. It’s all about practicality - how to implement the theory of improving the way you work. According to Erik, one reason it’s so useful is that they don’t just discuss the successes, but also the struggles his guests had in becoming more productive and how they overcame those challenges. 

5) TGIM (Thank God It’s Monday)

If your work is your passion; if you get a thrill out of it and love what you do - this is the podcast for you. Every other Monday, Shopify bring stories of people harnessing their passions to build businesses. You can sign up to receive the shopify podcast, delivered weekly by email, for free on their website.

6) Duct Tape Marketing

This one is slightly different to most of the others in this article - it’s a podcast with a focus on marketing, but often deals with productivity. So unless you’re in marketing, in which case the discussions on the latest google advertising changes will be useful for you, you might want to skip some episodes. But there are plenty of others, ranging from Managing an Expanding Business to how to use technology to build connections in the real world. They also host guests - including Todd Henry, from The Accidental Creative above!

Listen On Spotify

7) The Copywriter Club

Dynamic duo Kira and Rob are funny, down-to-earth and want their audience to take their copywriting game to the next level. They want you to stop responding to job posts on up work, grow a big head and have clients fight for your time. No really - they’re super passionate and direct in their aims, which you can read all about on their website. Even if you’re not a copywriter, you’ll enjoy their rambles and learn more about improving your productivity!

This wide variety of productivity podcasts should help you to improve your efficiency and maximize the output of the time you put into working - whatever your role may be. Let us know how it goes - how many productivity podcasts do you listen to per week and which productivity podcast is the best for you?

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