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My Internship Journey at OneCoWork

Nicky Vlyminck

13 December 2018

I’m Nicky, one of the Marketing interns at OneCoWork Barcelona, from Belgium. It’s my last week in the company; time flew by and therefore, I want to share my experience - especially for those of you who are considering applying for one of the internship or career opportunities, or joining the OneCoWork Community as a member.

Well, where to start? It has been an incredible rollercoaster that has left me wondering where the last 12 weeks went. I study International Business Management and the last thing to do before graduating and getting my Bachelor, was to find an internship abroad. Marketing and everything that comes with it has always excited me, and when the Digital Marketing internship at OneCoWork was suggested by a friend of mine, I knew I had to go for it. Being part of a coworking space that not only focuses on professional but also on personal growth? Sounds like the perfect job for me.

The Very Beginning

Now, before you start rolling your eyes, it wasn’t a walk in the park. Actually, starting my internship plunged me into a daunting world of new programs, tools and insights that I had never heard of. However, I got support and help whenever I needed it - everyone of the OneCoWork team is extremely helpful and, to my pleasant surprise, always open for suggestions concerning any specific topic and/or field of work. 

My Journey at OneCoWork

During my time at OneCoWork, I’ve been involved in several work areas. The first and most important work area, which is also the one I’ve dedicated most of my time to, is Social Media Marketing. Learning about advertising and marketing while simultaneously creating content for the different social media channels, with main focus on Instagram, has provided me with countless opportunities to gain new skills. Not only have I gained experience towards making templates and creating a cohesive aesthetic, I’ve also learned how to create and edit cinemagraphs, still photographs in which only one element repeatedly moves. These are very useful marketing tools since they not only drive engagement, but also give you the ability to tell a story and make your audience think. On top of that, I dived into the world of creating a social media strategy that aligns with your business objectives and attended many interesting events for social media purposes. Working in this area has taught me a lot, but most importantly, it has challenged me to dig deeper for ideas and educated me on how much attention needs to be given to details when creating content.

Instagram stories plan for the workshops.

The second area I have been involved in, is the management of Third Party Websites. What I needed to do, was to monitor the Internet for articles, videos or any other platform that is not managed internally and where OneCoWork is mentioned, and ensure that the stated information is correct - if not, contacting the parties involved was the next step to undertake. These changes could go from adding more pictures, to inserting backlinks or even changing certain parts of text. Knowing what kind of information wanders around on the Internet nowadays, I was ready to be surprised. And as I suspected, the Internet did not disappoint; I thought I was prepared for the results but nonetheless, the errors I found were puzzling.

Last but not least, something that I started working on during the last 2 weeks of my internship, were the blog posts which OneCoWork uses to give their community members valuable support and for ranking purposes. Besides this particular blog post, I’ve also wrote a few concerning World Aids Day, the Difference between IQ & EQ, and more. Writing the blog posts has been the perfect way to end my internship since I’ve always enjoyed writing - especially now that it’s not in my native language for once, it was a refreshing undertaking.

Onward Bound

It truly has been a pleasure working as an intern at OneCoWork. From working in such an inclusive and diverse community, to interacting with members and attending a variety of events every week - it feels sad to say goodbye to all of it. I am grateful to have been working in such an open and fast-growing company for the past 3 months, and to have experienced all the opportunities and lessons that it has given me. Whatever the future may bring after graduation - which is actually starting a Master in Business Science in February - I will look back on my time at OneCoWork with fond memories and a lot of thankfulness.

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