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My Internship Experience at OneCoWork

Bridget Sleap

22 November 2018

Hey everyone! It’s Bridget here to share with you my entire OneCoWork internship experience from start to finish. I’m a student from New York and completing my senior year at university, but have been living in Barcelona for three months. I came here to do an internship that counts towards my degree, which is how I ended up at OneCoWork. This article is for all of you who are considering completing an internship overseas, particularly at OneCoWork and want to know what it’s like being a part of this community. Hopefully my personal insight will help you if you’re looking for an internship that’s beneficial and memorable at the same time.

Before landing my internship with OneCoWork, I didn’t have any professional work experience and I didn’t know much about coworking spaces. The days leading up to my move to Barcelona were both exciting and nerve-wracking, but from the very beginning everyone I met was so warm and welcoming. My supervisor, my coworkers all made me feel like I was right where I needed to be.

The Start of My Intern Journey

My first week interning, I was thrown right into the mix and assigned different tasks and responsibilities. I wrote one of my first blog posts for the very first event I attended, a lecture by Facebook and Instagram Guru, Patrick Wind. I was taught how to create the weekly newsletter, a meticulous task that has to be perfect because it gets sent to all of the internal members of the community and employees. By Thursday, I published my very first article on the website, about International Programmers Day. I was so proud of what I had already learned and what I was able to contribute. I was responsible for publishing work that would be seen by members of the coworking community and the wider business world, which gave me a sense of motivation to be more than just an intern.

Most weeks of my intern experience consisted of a similar structure. On Monday and Tuesday, I worked on the weekly newsletter and perfected it to be sent out on time. The rest of the week I typically worked on creating content for the website or specific tasks I am given. At least once a week, but usually more, I attended one of the internal professional events happening at OneCoWork. We’ll go into more detail about these tasks, but first I’ll share with you what it’s like when you enter OneCoWork.

OneCoWork Marina Port Vell by Barceloneta Beach.

The OneCoWork Community

One of the best things about OneCoWork is the environment. Having two locations, right by the OneCoWork Marina Port Vell and OneCoWork Plaça Catalunya, is best case scenario. Marina Port Vell is very beautiful, it’s right next to Barceloneta Beach and it is surrounded by some of the most beautiful yachts I’ve ever seen. You can work inside or outside, and since the weather has been great the choice is pretty easy. Plaça Catalunya is also great because of its spectacular location, right in the city center. It’s a lively atmosphere that's full of shopping, good restaurants, and it’s easily accessible for anyone living in Barcelona. I typically spend my days working here in the office designated for employees.

The inside of both OneCoWork locations is modern and unique. All of the furniture and decorations are beautiful, carefully designed to boost productivity, and unlike any typical work office. Having the option of working in an office, on a cozy chair, outside, or wherever you’re most comfortable makes it so much easier to get inspired and stay productive.

Enjoying a quick coffee break in the Plaça Catalunya office designated for OneCoWork employees.


The Newsletter

Constructing the newsletter is something I was taught in the first week of my internship experience and since then has become one of my main responsibilities. As mentioned earlier, it gets sent to all of our members and employees so it’s crucial that it turns out perfectly. The newsletter includes blog posts featured that week, all of the upcoming events, and discounts given to members from external affiliate companies. I have to resize and add pictures, include links to the website (creating the right UTM parameters for Google Analytics), and write descriptions for each section. I love being able to do this because every Tuesday when it gets sent out, I feel proud of the work I put into creating it. It also requires me to have open communication with my coworkers, which is so important for any job you have.

The Blog Posts

Writing has always been one of my hobbies and something I’ve enjoyed doing. When I found out I’d be assisting with the blog section on the website, I was more than happy to contribute. The blog posts I write are either recaps of events that take place at OneCoWork, an interview of a OneCoWork member we want to highlight, or topics that require research and would be useful to our members. I’ve never written blog posts and at first it was hard for me to write more conversational than formal, but once I started getting the hang of it and writing more it became easier. We also have to optimize our blog posts for SEO purposes, including relevant keywords (keyword research based), optimized link building, etc; which has helped me learn more in-depth about the technical aspects of Marketing. 

Events at OneCoWork

The events at OneCoWork are one of the best underlying perks of being an intern here. These events can be anything from 10-minute long professional morning workshops, 2-hour in-depth lectures, or networking events to name a few. Being able to attend these events has truly enriched my intern experience, especially the long lectures, because I’m always learning something new. It’s also a great way to bring the community together and get to know some of the members. Often times, I have to capture multiple pictures and videos so I can produce content for the Instagram account.

Patrick Wind's most recent Instagram and Facebook Advertising Masterclass at OneCoWork Plaça Catalunya.


Going Forward

Reflecting back on my internship experience, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve loved being part of OneCoWork because they’ve established such a strong sense of community. You can tell that members and employees genuinely enjoy coming to the office and have built real connections. If I could give any future interns advice, I would say don’t hold back. If you’re willing to put in the work, it will never go unnoticed and truly pay off when it comes to your future career path. Listen to your peer's advice, pay attention to the small details, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. It feels amazing accomplishing quality work, and you can have fun doing it! 

If you’re considering going abroad or looking for an international internship, I say go for it 100%. Being forced out of your comfort zone to explore a different way of life is such a rewarding experience. It exposes you to many different cultural practices in the workplace that you can learn endlessly from. Thanks to OneCoWork, I have a better idea of what direction I’m headed after graduation. I feel more confident in my professional abilities and it’s given me the motivation I needed to reach ultimate success!

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