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Making the Most of Facebook Ads | Patrick Wind's eCommerce Masterclass

Bridget Sleap

13 September 2018

On Tuesday night OneCoWork hosted Patrick Wind, Facebook advertising guru, who enlightened us on how to make money using Facebook advertising. With every seat in the house filled, this was a must-see event! Patrick has spent the past 6 years working with Facebook and Instagram Algorithm, achieving success by investing 3 million into his ads and generating over 10 million dollars. 


We all know how influential Facebook ads can be, especially when every day 1.5 billion users access the site. A company can make the most of their Facebook advertising by using the Full-Funnel Strategy. To put it in simple terms, it means to communicate different messages to different customers according to the current level in their “customer journey.”

The first phase, branding, stresses the importance of visual images for ads and targeting customer’s right side of the brain to make an emotional impression. The second phase, prospecting, is when you show these customers the product because your brand is now in people’s minds. So you have interested customers, but they aren’t completely convinced they want to purchase your products. In the third phase, retargeting, you create scarcity to increase a customer’s sense of urgency, or FOMO, fear of missing out, on the product. 


Patrick shared 15 tips on how you can get better results for Facebook ads. Some of these tips include:

  1. Advertise people smiling while using your product because smiling faces grabs the attention of customers

  2. Display Collection ads and Instagram Carousels on your Instagram story to show off a variety of products

  3. Give customers more possibilities to click your ad by adding a line such as “Shop Now!” to increase your click-through rate

  4. Have a specific Landing Page for your Facebook ads to create consistency

  5. Include Social Proofs of real customers in a short video telling their experience with a product- a bit like testimonials. 


Patrick brought with him e-Commerce Scaling Expert Cesc Alsina to discuss the Top 5 Scaling Strategies. Cesc was able to spread some of his knowledge, starting with the Facebook “Cross Border Insights Finder”. This allows you to explore new growth and opportunities around the world. After learning this tool in-depth, they dove into three case studies. The Lookalike-Breakdown Strategy, Micro-Audiences Strategy and Existing Engagement Strategy.


Angel Pachón, maker of Roketsco bracelets and MiFuWi portable wine pouches, joined Patrick to speak about his journey. Angel chose to work with AdAccelerator because he wanted to work with some of the best people in Barcelona. Angel also shared some final tips for other e-Commerce startups including follow the system and create a long-term brand. It was very exciting hearing one of AdAccelerator’s success stories, and gain more insight on what it takes to accelerate in the advertising world.

After a round of Q&A, Patrick invited the crowd to stay and enjoy a complimentary beer. The group was able to network and approach him with further questions and comments. 

We’d like to thank Patrick for conducting an insightful lecture jam-packed with strategies, tips and guest speakers! 

Patrick Wind also offers an AdsAccelerator Online Program for those looking to become profitable and increase their own sales. This program offers 20+ hours of online classes and a bunch of features. This is right for you if you’re an e-Commerce Owner, Facebook Advertiser or Digital Marketer. 

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Bridget Sleap is the newest member of the OneCoWork team. Originally from New York, she majors in Communications & PR and is launching her career into media and journalism.   

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