Community Features

Member Spotlight: Stewart Masters

Agathe Grosbois

12 February 2019

Hi Stewart, could you tell us a little about yourself? 

I was born in the UK and I have moved to Barcelona three times. In 2004, 2010 and for the third and definitive time, in 2018. In-between, I did stints living and working in the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.

How old are you? 


...And professionally? What do you do? 

I had no idea what I wanted to do when I left university and it’s only recently become clear to me what I like doing. I think this is the case for a lot of people and why I recommend that you experiment and try out different careers, especially while you’re young until you find the job that fits.

I’m General Manager Spain at Resy after ClubKviar, a company I co-founded and lead, was acquired in 2018. Resy is a NY based SaaS solution for the modern restaurant, using technology to redefine hospitality. We have a solid team and investors and are looking to continue our expansion internationally.

Where is your favourite place to hang out in OneCoWork?

You’ll often find me hanging out underneath my desk, sipping Mai Tai's on the terrace, or eating Rumbaroll at 13h on the dot.

Give 3 tips to our readers! 

  • Have integrity 

  • Take ownership of your work

  • Have fun

Tell us a joke! 

“My wife was complaining last night that I never listen to her. Or something like that…”

Who inspires you? 

Many people. Kilian Jornet & Tim Ferris to name a few.

Words to live by:

Experiment = Experience.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time and why? 

I try to not to split ‘work’ and ‘life’ into separate concepts as there is a huge cross over, and as that glorious band the Spice Girls once said, “the 2 Become 1.” While trying to avoid sounding like the stereotypical modern societal human, when I’m not ‘working,’ I generally spend my time hanging with the rest of the band members of SM3, running around the world, thinking about how to become a billionaire, studying series on Netflix (for educational use only) and reading.

Book recommendation: 

The Sympathizer, by Viet Thanh Nguyen.

How do we get in contact with you?

 LinkedIn or come and say hi, I am located on the 3rd floor at the big desk in the corner. 

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