Tips & Resources

How to take advantage of Tech for Remote Work: Apps, Tools & Tips

Sam Barreto and Natalie Deller

17 March 2020

As COVID-19, or as we more commonly say, coronavirus, takes over our every movement (or rather lack of movement) we all take the leap towards remote work for the foreseeable future. We must adjust our work patterns and tools to make sure we are maximising our potential from our remote environments. 

The first step is building a distraction-free environment and choosing the best remote working tools to implement professional technology at home.

This is a recap of tools, apps, and platforms that we use daily to fulfill our potential in a digitalized world. These tools are essential, especially if you are a startup or a freelancer just getting started in this tech-driven environment. 

At OneCoWork you can find freelancers, start-ups, small teams, and fortune 500 companies, who use these tools to make their lives easier. Although they all work differently, we keep an eye out for tools and tips that are supporting their growth. 

After talking to some of our members and amongst our team we’ve come up with an exclusive selection of platforms, apps, and softwares that have helped our digitalized and mobile community to be more efficient AND effective.

 Whether you are operating in the office or secluded on your sofa, we hope these tools help you reach your potential and maximise your growth. Enjoy! 

1. Zoom 

Without any human contact, even the most experienced remote workers have the potential to go insane. Your team has the potential to make or break your job, transforming it into a dynamic and interesting work environment, but what if this could all be achieved remotely?

As one of the most powerful webinar software in the market to date, Zoom is an interactive video conferencing tool that unites your remote team. 

It comes with HD quality audio and video and allows you to share your screens with others. This is fantastic  if you want to display a document for the team, show them a presentation or teach them a new tool. 

This tool is easy to use, with instant or scheduled meeting setups, and the possibility to make it into a conference with attendee access to limit controls. What’s more, Zoom has built-in security measures such as password protection so that what happens in the meeting, stays in the meeting. 

This remote tool lets people in the meeting chat in real-time and address their teammates face to face. 

2. Holded

Fun fact, this platform was born in Barcelona. They call themselves the “Business Operating System for modern companies” and they truly live up to it! This all-in-one cloud ERP helps teams to increase sales, reduce expenses, and save time when managing every element of your business from a single platform. 

Although the star of the show (in our opinion) is their team management application, they also offer invoicing, accounting, CRM, inventory and project management apps. If your business is taking off and you need to start setting processes and checks in place, then Holded is exactly what you need. 

When working remotely, it’s more important to centralise all of your business’s processes and combine them to one platform for ease and employer accessibility, with Holded that’s your reality!

3. Canva

An image is worth a thousand words. Or so they say. With this tool, you can build your branding from scratch or improve it without investing your resources in expensive graphic design services! Today branding is key for freelancers and startups alike and Canva has your back. 

Within minutes, you can create logos, flyers, presentations, announcements or headings. It’s easy to use, quick and with lots of add-ons and templates ready to go. On top of it all, they have a giant library of rights-free pictures that you can also use in your designs! 

Plus, with Canva 2.0, you can remotely invite your team to collaborate on designs. Whether it's with a shareable link, design folders, or via email, to see all the sharing options available, click the Collaborate button at the top of your homepage and allow your team members to put their input and build a stronger, collaborative design.

What would be of a business without marketing? And what is marketing without content? Well, Canva is your go-to graphic design tool. 

4. Asana

Growing quick? Good! Growing too quick? Asana is here to help. Once your business has picked up you need to get organized and this platform is ideal for that. Especially if you are managing a team remotely, this is a game-changer.

In short, Asana lets you create and organize your business projects and tasks.  Each project has a leader who can delegate individual sub-tasks to team members. Once the task is done then the team member in charge can tick it off and move on to the next project. Also, the whole team can update everyone else on the progress as well as to add notes, comments, and docs directly on the project. 

What we love the most is that any small, medium or big company can benefit from Asana! Whether you’re designing new software, planning a marketing campaign or onboarding new members, Asana has it all. They have a free version but their paid version is unparalleled. 

5. Signaturit

Another fun fact: they were also born in Barcelona! This city is definitely the startup hub to watch... 

Signaturit has a large pool of clients in more than 40 countries, so if anyone is advocating remote work through practice, it’s them! 

They offer a unique digital signature and certification service. It makes it so much easier to keep track of what your team leaders are signing, where, how and why. Signing contracts, processing new members, making payments, it all gets easier when your management can sign and certify documents from anywhere at any time. 

OneCoWork members even get 10% off! Check out the app, to see how you can make the most of your membership remotely. 

6. Google G-Suite

Team emails, documents, meetings, calls and shared folders. So many things to keep track of when your business is taking off! This can be even harder to do in an organised manner when you find yourself up-rooted to a home office. 

Luckily Google just made your life easier. The G-suite is a set of apps provided by Google to help you organize your business better. Including g-mail, hangouts, calendar, docs, and a drive. 

Not only is it simple, it also comes attached to a great data privacy policy! You can safely mainstream all your business efforts into one platform where you are the one who decides who has access to what and when. As well as their 24/7 excellent customer support, an added plus is that they are also very affordable. 

7. VideoAsk

Do you rely on working directly with people? You are in luck! The globally loved TypeForm has just launched their latest product, VideoAsk because they believe that “The best interface is your face”. We couldn’t have put it any better ourselves. Their product helps you build instant trust with a customer by leaving a lasting first impression with a personal interaction. 

From lead capture, to collecting feedback and audience engagement this tool is extremely versatile! It is also used for recruitment, onboarding of new employees and planning events.

You can engage your audience in a manner that feels like a one-to-one interaction from thousands of miles away. They even have a handy feature that allows you to control time zones and respond as and when you are ready!

How does it work? Record a VideoAsk in seconds and set your answer type from Video or Audio, to Calendar or Multiple Choice. You're set to start and now just need to share the link with your audience.

Technology that transforms Remote Work

Ultimately, all these tools will support you through your telecommuter journey. Yes, we know there are so many more fantastic tools out there, but we hope that our little list of OCW approved tools helps you and your business get on the right, remote, track.

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