Tips & Resources
Startup & Entrepreneurship

Team Building Activities for Work

Dror Wayne

05 November 2018

A team-spirit in the office is a must-have for happy, effective employees, no matter the business type. We've gathered some of the best team-building activities to motivate your employees, increase the community feeling and ensure everyone comes to work on a Monday morning with a smile! You could say this is our Number 1 area of expertise (along with interior design, awesome events and our general wackiness) so read on...


1) Morning Madness!

Kick off the day each morning with something fun. Try a game of paper-toss and you can keep a running total, for five minutes every morning - or a particular day each week. 

A great way to build on this is to use ping-pong balls and add different rules... bounce once, bounce twice, bounce off the wall... They're so light, it's unlikely to cause any damage to the office. And with bragging rights as the prize, the motivation is high with no costs.


2) Dull moment? Light it up!

Another great opportunity for a team-building activity is any dull moment in the office. Maybe it's mid afternoon on a Wednesday... when heads start hitting the desk and the office banter has all but completely died down, you know your team isn’t working as efficiently as it could be. Seize the opportunity and invest 5 minutes in a small team building exercise that will wake everyone up, such as It's A Bomb.

You'll need a ball (perhaps a soft, sponge ball) for this and quite a bit of space. It works best with over 8 people. Everybody stands in a circle and starts a game of catch - but fast. When someone drops the ball, the bomb has been set - everyone counts down, out loud, from 10 and the last person to have touched the ball by the time you reach - is out!


3) Get out of the office

Team Building Activities for Work don't just have to be in your office or workplace; get out together! Why not pay a visit to an escape room or your local square to test your team's initiative and ability to work together to solve problems. 

There are escape rooms in almost every city in the world but if your budget doesn't stretch that far, with a little bit of effort you can create your own scavenger hunt.


4) Explore together!

A great way to build team spirit in the office is to get out of it!

Leave the office and leave your comfort zones, to explore yourselves and/or your environment together. There are a number of ways you can do this..

- An expedition. Dropped somewhere in the countryside with a map, compass and supplies, your team will need to work together to get back to find their way home!

- A hike. If you're near mountains, make a day trip to go hiking. Explore nature and the incredible views, whilst bonding and chatting and simultaneously having to assist each other in difficult areas.

- An Initiative Test. This variation on the classic scavenger hunt involves using logic, initiative and skills of deduction to solve a series of challenges in the city. Depending on your creativity whilst planning, this can really push your team to explore their limits and increase their confidence.

5) Afterworks! 

This simple and easy concept works well - we would know, as our OneCoWork Rooftop Afterworks are a hit week-in, week-out. Our Friday Afterworks at Hotel 54 are open to all, so why not come along?

We hope you enjoy these fun and motivating team-building activities for the office. At OneCoWork, each floor has a break-out area, to escape your screens. If you're at OneCoWork Marina Port Vell, why not head out to the balcony surrounding the building and take in the fresh sea air or at OneCoWork Plaça Catalunya head up to the rooftop to chill out!

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