Ella Webber OneCoWork Intern
Community Features

Why you should be a OneCoWork Intern | Ella Webber

Ella Webber

25 May 2020

Why you should be a OneCoWork Intern

Now, you may or may not know this but the marketing team had, at one point this year, an intern to staff ratio of 4:1. 

It’s strange to think that nine months have passed since we first joined the OneCoWork team, but it’s very rewarding to look back on our time here. We’ve done great work, met interesting people, and had an awful lot of fun.

I’ve been lucky enough to share this experience with three other interns- all of whom I’m sure would’ve loved a crack at this blog. That’s a lie, Noor hated blogging. Natalie and Armelle would’ve though. It’d be scandalous of me to start without mentioning their roles here as interns. After all, it can’t all be about me.

Natalie arrived with me and was tasked with the customer acquisition side of the marketing team’s efforts. During her time at OneCoWork, she headed up the influencer outreach, created a backlinking SEO strategy that we spent months implementing, and worked passionately on our CSR initiatives. We were also inseparable, you might have noticed.

After Natalie came Armelle, a graphic design student from France. Armelle dealt with a great deal of the graphics, was the creative mind behind the newsletter redesign, and just generally the sweetest person in the world. She somehow managed to make our ideas come to life every single time without fail- which is kinda incredible.

Finally, Noor joined the team at the end of September 2019. Noor was completing her thesis and handled the OneCoWork Pinterest and Instagram Highlights (check them both out). Noor’s creative mind and witty humour were amazing to have on the team. She’s now a graduate (🎓🎉) looking for work- you know what to do.

As for me, I handled the retention side of OneCoWork’s marketing efforts. I initiated and managed partnerships nationally and internationally, as well as handled the in-space communications across all three buildings.

If by the end of this you’re still uncertain, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Without further ado, here’s a little look into what it’s like to intern at OneCoWork...

You get to enjoy all of OneCoWork’s benefits

How many places have you worked where you’ve enjoyed all the benefits of the company’s product without paying a cent?

The OneCoWork Team can work from any of the spaces and flit between them whenever we please. It’s pretty great, and as a student, I’m used to grotty common rooms and packed libraries- spending nine months working from OneCoWork has been a dream.

Apart from enjoying the spaces, we also get to attend any OneCoWork events that interest us. Often event coverage is needed, however, I’ve been to plenty of events this year purely because they interested me. You’ll never catch me missing Midday Meditation with Leslie Saglio. Plus, need I mention afterworks?

You’re surrounded by passionate people

Without sounding like an ad, OneCoWork is a pretty great place to work from. You’re surrounded by talented people with the drive to chase their passion- it’s really refreshing and inspiring to see as someone who’s only just starting to dip their toes into this environment. 

During my time at OneCoWork, I’ve absorbed so much from the environment around me. It’s been really incredible to see people doing what they love successfully, and it’s had a definite impact on the way I see my professional future.

You’re given creative freedom on projects you undertake

If you want an internship where your creativity is encouraged and valued, look no further.

Throughout my time at OneCoWork I’ve had the chance to try my hand at lots of different skills- copywriting, graphic design, partnerships, and many more. I’ve also had the chance to design and manage campaigns from start to finish and handle important projects- like the newsletter redesign.

It’s really refreshing to be entrusted with creating actual content, and not just supporting everybody else’s ideas. Considering the role, an intern implies coffee runs and dry-cleaning. Yet here, interns are given some pretty big projects. If you’re looking for an easy ride, this might not be it.

For example, at the beginning of our internship journey we were each given a social channel to manage and monitor. I was given Facebook, Noor was tasked with growing Pinterest, and Natalie managed Instagram and LinkedIn (unlucky).

Since September 2019, Natalie and I have been the sole posters on our channels- responsible for queueing, monitoring, and reporting on our given platform. We’ve been challenged to improve our channels through data-driven insights, as well as organise giveaways and social media collaborations with partners. 

Most notably, Noor did incredible things for the OneCoWork Pinterest- a 200% increase on reach, engagement, and audience. That’s a huge project to take on as an intern, but she was entrusted with the responsibility and freedom, and it paid off big time. 

You’re provided with opportunities to learn and improve

There is a reason interns worldwide are paid very little. Internships aren’t about working for a salary, they’re about working for experience and knowledge. Sadly, many interns pitch up to their new internship and quickly realise they’ll be offered 0 opportunities to discover and improve their skills.

One of the first proper conversations we had with Ray, our manager, was about what we were looking to learn and achieve during our time with OneCoWork. We were then given our roles, which reflected the skills we’d said we wanted to develop. Right from day dot, it was made clear that we weren’t just there as cheap labour.

Throughout my time as a OneCoWork intern, we revisited my goals as an intern on more than one occasion. Our work and progress are reviewed on a tri-monthly basis and we’ve consistently been encouraged to come forward with any areas we’d like to work on.

As a OneCoWork intern, you’re also offered opportunities to expand your network and understanding of the industry. Last February, we were tasked with covering the Barcelona Tech Spirit event on social media and had a great time doing it.

We chatted with interesting people from all industries and attended talks on many different topics. It was a great opportunity for us as young professionals, both to improve our networking skills and to experience the innovation scene in Barcelona. 

It’s a great experience in a beautiful city

All the interns on the marketing team are completing obligatory requirements for university degrees. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in a different culture and broaden your horizons, as well as gain some experience in your chosen field and improve language skills.

Most importantly, it should be a fun experience that you look back on warmly when you no longer benefit from the comfort of the university safety net.

I reached out to OneCoWork, amongst other places, in September/October 2018. It didn’t take long for me to decide if they picked me- I’d pick them. A year later, I arrived with Natalie and we couldn’t quite believe our luck.

The team was warm, welcoming and fun- everybody made an effort to be there on first and last days and we regularly enjoyed birthday celebrations, karaoke nights, art classes, and cocktail making sessions. Everybody is always open to helping you where they can and there really is nothing quite like catching up with the community team. 

If you’re looking to not only learn and grow through your internship but to also have a whole lot of fun, look no further. 

Wrapping up

I really don’t think I could put it any more clearly- this is a great environment to be in. This internship has helped me improve professionally and personally beyond what I’d imagined. Don’t hesitate to take the leap.

I’d like to say a final thank you to everybody at OneCoWork for being a part of our experiences as interns. I’m sad not to be saying goodbye in person but I’m sure I’ll be back sometime soon.

Also a huge shoutout to Ray, the marketing manager, for putting so much time and effort into making sure this experience was mutually beneficial. It’s been really great to receive such a perfect balance of guidance and freedom, as well as some cracking banter along the way.

Ray reminded me yesterday that when I arrived at OneCoWork I said I didn’t get the whole coworking thing.

Oh, how things change.

It’s been a blast, OneCoWorkers. 

Ella out. 🎤

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