Hey there, Ercan Varol! Tell us about yourself?
Hi, I’m Ercan Valon, 34 years old, born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. I grew up there until university and after that, I moved to Stockholm, Sweden, for five years.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I’ve been playing football since my childhood and I still love playing with my friends. Besides sports, I love to travel and I’ve currently been to over 90 countries! Every year I make sure to create some free time in order to travel, explore new cities and discover new cultures. I hope I’ll be able to visit every country in the world. Last, but not least, food! It’s a vital part of my life to discover new flavours every week, wherever I am.
… and professionally? What do you do?
I am co-founder and CEO of Bundle News, a mobile news aggregator app that combines all your favourite news sources in a single place. I also run and co-founded a Digital Advertising agency called: Dwarf Planet. At the agency, we mainly focus on UI/UX development and content production.
In both companies, I am the team manager. I am a friend for my colleagues, I inspire them, help them achieve their life goals as well as career goals and guide them to growth opportunities.
Did you immediately find your dream job, or what did your journey to finding your career looked like?
I consider myself as a serial entrepreneur. I started my first company when I was 23, and have founded 6 companies to this day. Some of them are acquired, three of them are still operational and I am managing our active companies, now. It’s my thing to found companies and grow at scale. I love what I do and I’ve always had entrepreneurial mindset since childhood.
Where is your favourite place to hang out in OneCoWork?
I am a Member at Plaça Catalunya and like to work on the ground floor. It’s charming, fresh and easy to connect with new people. I really enjoy having a coffee on the terrace or my breakfast/lunch under the blue sky!
Give 3 tips to our readers
Business tip:
“Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.”
Life tip:
Earning things will not make you happy, but giving away will do.
Life Quote:
“We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.”
If you were an animal, what would you be?
I would be a lion because I love them, they are loyal and powerful leaders. Besides that, it’s also my horoscope “Leo”
What is your motto?
“Wherever you are and whatever you do, be in love! “
Book recommendation?
Good to Great, The Art of The Start, The 4-Hour Work Week.
How do we get in touch with you?
You can always reach me by email, LinkedIn or Twitter!
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